This web page is designed to introduce and compliment the recent publication titled Off On Our Own by Ted Carns III, published by St Lynn's Press. The book details the 36 year evolution of an off grid, self sufficient, sustainable lifestyle. The webpage will soon undergo a huge bunch of changes and upgrades in the photo and caption arena and hopefully some excerpts from my second book "Between Beer And Holy Water". So enjoy what's here and then check back with us in a few months to see what's up. The Stone Camp is said to be the most isolated dwelling in Pennsylvania's Southwest Division. Thus this evolution took place of necessity rather than by choice because it was never an option for us to be connected to the grid or any utilities. We produce most of our own power, and if fossil fuels failed could easily produce all of our own power. Our isolation, the powerful environmental influence of the late Ruth Jury Scott, Bronze silver palmed eagle scout, and two wonderfully instructive parents, all synthesized and produced a unique lifestyle. **** **** **** In the author is paved a cross road of experience and events evolving a lifestyle that could exist and flourish if totally cut off. True sustainability. As for the author himself, it has often been remarked "Teddy you're the real Peter Pan". He claims The Stone Camp is "Be Prepared" on steroids.
All things that achieve their apex of a sudden are faced with their own contradiction.The crescendo of laughter is tears and the depth of tears leads to laughter. And so it is with the pursuit of affluence, the allure of upward mobility and the great culmination of the American dream. They stand out bold and seductive and hide their real nature within a shadowy mist. Just for a moment take your eyes from the prize and sober up your eyes with a strong cup of reality coffee. Take a peek directly into the shadowy mist itself. Look hard and humble and I guarantee you'll see the ugly face of misery peering back out at you. The paradigm of desire has failed. The ink stains from printing the dollar signs of worldly wealth have discolored the faces and hands of the poverty stricken. Our "dominion" mindset has lead our endeavors to their own antithesis, great hopes turn themselves into disasters and out of great disasters has formed great hope. We have the choice to usher in the paradigm of necessity and lessen it's shock or have self reliance forced upon us with great pain. Necessity reconnects the circle of life, it mimics the ordinance seen in the food-chain of creation. The Stone Camp is necessity evolved to an eclectic, somewhat eccentric art form. It makes the faces of children light up and has gladdened many the heart of an elder.
We hope you enjoy this sample platter and hope it stimulates your appetite to know more.